The 2016 Primary Season has begun!

Yesterday the Washington Secretary of State released the list of candidates on the presidential primary. As a result, we've started our first poll of 2016! The results will be posted here once there is a statically significant sample. (Over the first two hours we've collected over 70 results, so check back early next week.)

In August of last year we ran a test of our new polling software. This was long before the candidate pool had shrunk so there were two menus full of candidates! Thanks to everyone who called or emailed in bug reports The primary bug was related to the backup candidate, so those results are not presented here. We received 6277 results, so plenty of data to break down in more detail, but we will be holding off on doing that until the results with the final set of candidates are in. Take this data with a grain of salt, as the goal was testing our software, not getting a representative sample. Many people participated multiple times while trying to find bugs and those results were not filtered out.

Candidate Raw Count In Party Overall
Clinton 1997 62.39% 31.81%
Sanders 1204 37.61% 19.18%
Democrat 3201

Trump 656 24.72% 10.45%
Bush 431 16.24% 6.87%
Paul 375 14.13% 5.97%
Walker 283 10.66% 4.51%
Carson 243 9.16% 3.87%
Rubio 197 7.42% 3.14%
Cruz 150 5.65% 2.39%
Huckabee 96 3.62% 1.53%
Biden 93 3.50% 1.48%
Christie 77 2.90% 1.23%
Perry 53 2.00% 0.84%
Republican 2654

Johnson 96 100.00% 1.53%
Libertarian 96

Undecided 308
Other 18
Total 6277